12-When It All Feels Wrong: Why You’re Not Broken And How To Reconnect With Yourself


Making mistakes is normal and an essential part of how you learn, but there are moments when it feels like getting anything “right” is impossible. Maybe you keep finding yourself in unhealthy relationships or struggle with each new job you try. You may look around and see others thriving, making it work for themselves, and wonder why you aren’t able to make the same good connections. Or perhaps you do know why, but you have no idea how to fix your situation. In these cases, some people start to believe they are broken.

Here’s another truth to consider: No one is ever broken, no matter the circumstance.

Extremes Are Part Of Life

Everyone experiences life differently, and you are meant to encounter polarity and contrast in your life—even in extreme ways. There is nothing inherently wrong with this. In the end, it’s not about what you experience but how you choose to respond to those experiences.

This also applies when you are the one who knows someone whose life seems like an endless struggle, and you wonder if they are just “broken.” Whether it’s you going through constant hardship or someone you care about, the truth remains: no one is ever broken. They are simply living a different kind of experience.

Realizing You Are Detached

We live in a society where most people experience life primarily through their minds. While the mind is an incredible tool made up of programs and patterns, it’s not who you truly are. The challenge is that people become so stuck in their minds that they disconnect from their hearts, where simple and authentic truths reside.

This disconnection is so common that many forget to listen to this part of themselves. If we were more in tune with our hearts, the struggles we face would feel far less overwhelming. The key to freeing yourself of these hardships lies in reconnecting with your heart and embracing the authentic side of yourself.

For some, this may involve healing from past emotional and mental trauma. Often, this disconnect stems from emotional injuries that leave a “mark” on the heart, which remains until it is properly addressed. The average response to emotional pain is to retreat into the mind, using logic to cope while avoiding the lingering pain. However, this pain doesn’t go away; it simply sits around the heart, waiting to be acknowledged and healed. While this process may take time, it’s a crucial step toward reconnecting with your heart and changing your life for the better.

You are whole and they are whole! If you dig down far beneath all the struggle and connect back to yourself, there is no struggle and nothing is ever missing.


Your external circumstances directly reflect any blocks, traumas, and areas of healthy flow within your mind, body, and energy. These experiences serve as mirrors, showing you what needs to be cleared and healed within yourself; just as much as the good and beautiful in you as well. Changing your life begins with inner transformation, and there are countless support systems available to help you on this journey. This is the way back to your heart, your true connection, and ultimately, a simpler life aligned with your preferences and desires.

Helpful Affirmations

  • “I choose to be in tune with the truths of my heart.”

  • “I am whole.”

  • “I am open to the changes I need in order to build the life I deserve.”

Try This Today

Sit quietly and place your full awareness on your heart area. Observe any feelings that arise and reflect on what they mean to you, especially in relation to your past experiences. Ask yourself: What is the first emotional challenge I need to address to start or continue my heart healing process? Feel free to share any insights that come up for you in the comments below.

Wishing you love & liberation,



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