What Is Reiki?
Reiki is originally a Japanese technique that helps promote relaxation, healing and relieving stress. It is usually given by laying ones hands directly on or hover a short distance over the patient. Reiki is a spiritually guided life energy that knows where to go in the body helping balance a persons’ energies and assist healing where it is needed it most. You can never be given too much Reiki, as it always knows how much a person needs and will adjust itself to suit your benefit with your souls goals.
In my unique sessions, I don’t use my hands. I will be intuitively linked with the energy and be able to see where it’s going in the body in my minds eye. I channel through two kinds of Reiki; Usui Holy Fire lll & Celestial Sol Reiki. In a session with me you will be receiving the energetic benefits of both types of Reiki.
Holy Fire 111 Reiki:
Usui Holy Fire lll is the most upgraded form of Holy Fire Reiki being used, and was introduced through the International Centre for Reiki Training. “Holy” has no religious meaning but more refers to a wholeness through healing and guidance. The Holy Fire is a spiritual flame that helps purge and transform old dense energies in the body. When visualized this flame can look like it’s made of many colours, and gives a very safe and loving feeling when moving through and around the body.
Celestial Sol Reiki:
I also call in a second Reiki energy that works in a harmonious partnership with the Holy Fire lll. Celestial Sol Reiki brings in the energy of the sun and stars helping purge out old densities. It helps clear out the cells, allowing them to hold more light and can get into those sticky energetic areas and really clear out the stubborn blocks. As a bonus, when getting a treatment with Celestial Sol Reiki it can start to activate soul codes and DNA so you can start tapping into your natural genius. Helping connect you to your own purpose and gifts.
Most people experience a feeling of relaxation, safety and a loving presence when getting a treatment of Reiki. Sometimes Reiki can move through old energies to the surface where the person might feel they need to have an emotional release. This is completely ok and normal to experience. The space I have set up for you is designed to be a safe space no matter what might come to the surface. However, it’s generally a relaxed feeling that is experienced, as the self guided, loving energies moves through you for a deeper cleansing and clearing of your body.
What To Expect From A 1:1 Session:
My Reiki sessions are offered in-person and through Zoom. If you are joining virtually you would find a comfortable and quiet space in your own home where you can fully lie down and relax. The one hour session brings in loving energies that assist in your healing of what you might be experiencing; whether it’s mental, emotional or physical. I will start the hour with an initial assessment and get a little bit of an idea about why you are seeking Reiki at this time, and then I will guide you to lie down and relax.
Once I get an idea of what you looking to resolve I will determine the kind of reiki treatment that you would need the most between two techniques:
Holy Fire Experience: This is a relaxing inner vision journey that is guided by high frequency Holy Fire energy, to help you resolve whatever you are looking to heal within or around yourself. I will be guiding you to start, and then the Reiki energy will continue the guidance as you discover what you are seeking from within you.
Reiki Psychic Seeing: I will connect with your energy and be shown images in my minds eye, like visions about aspects of your energy that needs a little extra assistance. The images or visions I receive are there for you to take and apply in a way that support the changes you are wanting to make. *Note: I will always relay to you my interpretation of what I see; and trust yourself of what you feel is true for you.
Click below to schedule a session.
Just for today, count your blessings.
1:1 Reiki Session Packages:
3 Sessions: $432 - $6 discount per session
6 Sessions: $828 - $12 discount per session
*Please refer to the scheduling page for any package expiry dates.