What Is A Rose Healing & Blessing Ritual?
As a certified Rose Healing Practitioner I present to you these three beautiful Rose Healing & Blessing Ritual Sessions that use the energies of the White, Pink and Red Roses to help cleanse your energies, deepen your relationship with yourself and connect you to walking a path that leads to healing your Divine Feminine energy. The Rose has the highest frequency of all flowers and is a symbol of union between the Feminine and Masculine energies; the thorns on the stem representing the Masculine and soft petals representing the Feminine. The head of the rose and its petals are used in these sessions to heal and strengthen the feminine side of our energies, bringing back balance with our masculine energies. Since most of us live a very masculine lifestyle, the goal is to reach a Divine Union (balance) between these energies inside each of us individually.
Feminine energy is defined as: surrender, trust, intuition, unity, flow, compassion and being completely open to feeling the polarity of your emotions. Masculine energy is defined as: “doing”, survival, providing, logic, linear and following through with aligned action.
These sessions are for people who want to dive more into the Divine Feminine and cultivate this energy into their healing and life. To achieve that, these sessions will guide them to listen to their own inner wisdom and hear the advise they already hold; helping them to move forward wherever they feel stuck.
What To Expect In A 1:1 Session:
I will start the session with an initial assessment and find out why you are seeking a Rose Healing at this time and what your energy needs from that particular rose the session will be centered around. Then I will guide you to lie down and get comfortable. In all three rose sessions I will be beside you, guiding you with questions that help you navigate your own wisdom to find the answers you seek. I will invite you to talk and share out loud what is coming up with these questions, so I can help you navigate through the answers you receive. Scroll down to read the specific themes and energies the white, pink and red rose sessions will be providing.
These three sessions have a minimum of a two week gap between them to help you integrate the energies and work on any new goal setting steps you discovered in your sessions. They are to be done in order, starting with the White and ending with the Red, moving onto the next rose when you are ready. The other nice thing about these sessions, is you don’t have to do them only once. Even if you have completed all three roses you can come back and do them as often as you feel you need. Your energy is changing all the time and you can receive different messages and guidance every time you come back to them.
Art By Magdalene Rose Temple
White Rose Healing Ritual
If you are attending an in-person session I will be physically anointing you with water charged with White Rose frequencies and will briefly need access to your Third Eye Chakra, Heart Chakra and the palms of both your hands. I will also be placing the head of a couple white roses on your body. If you are attending a virtual session I will be guiding you on the same healing journey as if it was in person. The only difference is, you will be feeling into being energetically anointed and feeling into the roses being placed on your body.
Ascended Master Mother Mary holds the frequency of the White Rose and supports you with the purifying and cleansing of your mind, body and soul. She also supports any healing around your relationship to your Mother. This first session helps you to let go of the defensive barriers and blocks around the heart, and start to release karmic and genetic wounding in the body. This creates space to let more light into your cells, and have a clearer connection to your heart and Higher Self.
In this session, we will be having a guided conversation at the same time as you will be going on a journey of introspection, to cleanse surface blocks around your heart, connect to Source and meet your inner child.
Art By Magdalene Rose Temple
Pink Rose Healing Ritual
If you are attending for an in-person session I will be physically anointing you with water charged with Rose frequencies directly onto your skin at your Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra and the tops of both your feet; as well as anointing a little Rose Essential Oil on your wrists to rub on your neck, so you can breath in the Rose frequency and essence. I will also be placing the head of a few pink roses on your body. If you are attending a virtual session I will be guiding you on the same healing journey as if it was in person. The only difference is, you will be feeling into being energetically anointed and feeling into the roses being placed on your body.
Ascended Master Lady Nada holds the frequency of the Pink Rose as she supports you to open up your 5th Dimensional Crystalline Heart and to be more open to the gifts of your soul. This second session supports you to release even deeper unresolved emotional trauma so you are able to start living your heart and soul led life.
In this session, we will be having a guided conversation at the same time as you will be going on a journey of introspection, into the Feminine Gateway of your heart, healing relationships and embodying more joy within yourself. This will help open for a deeper heart healing.
Art By Magdalene Rose Temple
Red Rose Healing Ritual
If you are attending for an in-person session I will be physically anointing you with Spikenard Essential Oil and will briefly need access to your skin for your Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra and Sacral Chakra. I will also be placing a couple of red rose heads on your body. If you are attending a virtual session I will be guiding you on the same healing journey as if it was in person. The only difference is, you will be feeling into being energetically anointed and feeling into the roses being placed on your body.
Ascended Master Mary Magdalene holds the frequency of the Red Rose as she supports you in healing the deepest parts of your heart and womb/sacral space. This third session helps to release any deep blocks in these two centers so the energies can connect, creating a Heart and Sacral energetic relationship. Assisting you to restore the light of your Feminine Essence and stand in your Sacred Self-Empowerment. She also supports the your deep connection with the womb of Mother Earth and any healing to strengthen that bond through your Root.
In this session, we will be having a guided conversation as you will go on a journey of introspection, to connect with Mary Magdalene, your Root Chakra, Womb/Sacral space and the Earth.
The Ascended Masters
Art by DivineLovePrintables, Etsy.com
Mother Mary
She is normally considered a Divine Mother or Spiritual Mother; of course being the Mother of Jesus. Mary had many incarnations before completing her healing and becoming a Master at cleansing her mind, body and soul of all densities to bear her son Jesus. Therefore, he could come through without having to heal genetic karma from Mary; so it didn’t take him a full lifetime to heal himself and begin his soul’s work on Earth as his full authentic self. She now consistently nurtures and tutors all our souls to become masters at cleansing and purifying ourselves so we can hold the frequency of Christ Consciousness and become the beacons of light that we truly are.
Art By FranciscoGomes
Lady Nada
Lady Nada is most known for being Atlantean, and the head of all the Atlantean High Priestess’. She is very crystalline and elemental in her energy, and quite advanced with the crystalline technology of the Earth. She has a strong connection to the Elemental Realms and works closely with them to sustain the Earth’s Crystalline Grid. Therefore, she is the keeper and guardian of the Atlantean Crystalline Grid and Christ Codes of Atlantis. She holds the consciousness of Atlantis when it was at its peak, and supports the people and planet now to make the shifts and evolve into 5th dimensional crystalline consciousness.
Art By DivineLovePrintables, Etsy.com
Mary Magdalene
She is best known for her life spent with Jesus as his student and then as an equal and companion. Helping him spread the teachings of the Christ Consciousness. She was the first to witness his resurrection and therefore is known as the Apostle to the Apostles. She reminds us that we can be fully human and fully divine, supporting and guiding each of us on our journey to clear karmic wounds and become our true selves as she did. Mary Magdalene has an unwavering presence with the ability to help us learn through deep emotional bonds and dense energies.
Click below to schedule a session.
Guiding Your Light
1:1 One Hour Single Session (White, Pink or Red) - $140
1:1 Rose Healing & Blessing Package:
3 Sessions: $402 - $6 discount per session
*Please refer to the scheduling page for any package expiry dates.