1-When Overthinking Leaves You Stuck: One Simple Question To Turn Over Analyzing Into Productivity
One of the most common traits we all share is overthinking. Especially when faced with making a solid decision, overthinking can leave us feeling stressed and make every choice seem complicated.
The Overthinking Trap
Our minds are often “large and in charge,” capable of figuring out every detail, step, procedure, and fact. At first glance, that feels like a superpower—having a brain that can solve so much!
So why do so many of us still get stuck?
The answer is simple: relying solely on mental analysis often disconnects you from another crucial part of yourself—your emotions. The mind can be LOUD, drowning out the subtle messages your emotions and body are trying to convey. This disconnection makes decision-making harder and more stressful.
So, what’s the one question to ask when you’re stuck in overthinking?
The Key Question
Very simply: “What am I afraid of?”
When stuck, most people ask questions like:
What if?
Is this the right choice?
Will this work out?
Maybe another option is better?
These questions reflect fear rather than clarity. Often, you already know the answers but feel paralyzed by unseen consequences your mind is imagining. This fear stems from a belief that if you don’t get it “right” immediately, everything will fall apart. You want the perfect outcome from the start, leaving no room for mistakes, growth, or learning.
This mindset creates unnecessary stress and keeps you repeating the phrase: “I don’t know what to do.”
A Different Perspective
You will always create what you think. Consider this: how often do you believe something will go wrong, and it does? Now, how often does your fear not come true?
Your thoughts and emotions shape your reality. While your mind holds logic and reason, your emotions provide truth—a truth rooted in what feels aligned with you.
The next time you’re stuck, try this:
Pause and recognize what your fear is telling you.
Ask yourself, “What if I fly?” instead of “What if I fall?”
You’re always allowed to make changes later. Decisions aren’t permanent—they’re part of your learning journey. When you shift from fear-based thinking to emotional alignment, decision-making becomes easier, and productivity natural
By combining mental analysis with emotional intelligence, you’ll find clarity and confidence in your choices. Trust yourself to make the best decision in the moment, knowing you can adjust along the way.
Once you embrace this approach, you’ll save time, reduce stress, and watch your productivity soar.
Helpful Affirmation
Use this affirmation anytime you need support shifting your mindset:
“I trust myself to be discerning in the decisions I make and know it is safe to change directions later if I need to.”
Try This Today
Write down the above affirmation (or create your own!) and repeat it aloud the next time you feel stuck in overthinking. What decisions can you apply this to right now?
Wishing you love and liberation,